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Dental disease
dental visit horse

Dental disease

The importance of a good look. It has been estimated that in the UK, up to 95% of horses over the age of 15 will have some signs of dental disease...

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Winter is coming....
Horse grazing in field in the snow

Winter is coming....

In this article, we will discuss how to get your older horse ready for winter, and how to keep them as fit and healthy as possible through the coldest season.

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Ragwort Poisoning in Horses

Ragwort Poisoning in Horses

Ragwort poisoning can be very dangerous to our horses, let’s take a look at how to keep them safe during the spring…

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Equine Influenza Outbreak

Equine Influenza Outbreak

Some notes and guidance on keeping your horse safe from influenza. Read more about symptoms of the condition and what to do if you're concerned...

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